(Colorado Springs, CO) – WAY Media, Inc. and Dawson McAllister Network are excited to announce their partnership for a new Saturday night Christian radio show, “The Hopeline with Dawson McAllister,” launching Saturday, February 7, 2015.
“We are excited to be the flagship for Dawson McAllister’s return to Christian radio,” says WAY-FM Network PD Rob Wagman. “It was God who opened the doors for Dawson to take his radio program to the secular airwaves thirteen years ago, and we are thankful that God is utilizing WAY-FM for Dawson’s return.”
The Hopeline with Dawson McAllister will be a three-hour interactive call-in show, airing Saturdays 8-11p CT. It will be a safe place where teenagers and young adults can share their struggles without fear of judgment. In return, Dawson offers clear thinking based on Biblical values. Joining him in the studio will be Sarah Lee, listeners’ online connection to the show via social media. There are plans to offer syndication for this show to other stations around the country in the future.
“I can’t tell you how excited Sarah and I are to help people face life God’s way. I think it’s going to be big, because God is big” said Dawson McAllister.
“At WAY-FM, our mission is to influence this generation to love and follow Jesus, and we believe this new show fits that mission perfectly,” added Faron Dice, VP of Content.
While radio has always been the starting point, Dawson McAllister recognized early on that more was needed to rescue young people from their deep dilemmas. In October 1991, he opened TheHopeLine — an off-air coaching line where more than 1.2 million one-on-one conversations have provided emotional and spiritual triage for those who were struggling with everything from addiction to despair. Listeners can connect to a real HopeCoach via live chat or phone, and every conversation includes an opportunity to be referred to the ministry’s Christian community of care composed of 16 trusted partners.
WAY-FM was founded in 1987 by Bob and Felice Augsburg as a single station in Ft Myers, FL. WAY-FM and WAY Media Network Services airs on over 100 radio stations in 26 states. Markets served include; Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Ft Collins and Trinidad in Colorado plus Nashville, TN; West Palm Beach, FL; Louisville, KY and Portland, OR. For more info, visit www.wayfm.com
Media Contact:
Faron Dice