From one mother to another – Five of Christian & Gospel Music’s moms reflect on motherhood and lessons they’ve learned on the journey.
1. Nichole Nordeman – “I think that’s the biggest lesson in being a mom is that there are so many things that you can’t control.”
2. Natalie Grant – “I will never stop thanking God that He allowed me to become a mother.”
“I will never stop thanking God that He allowed me to become a mother. I can so vividly remember the many sleepless nights when I thought I might suffocate from the fear that I would never hear someone call me “mommy.” And even as I reflect now, I am reminded that there are so many women who are begging God for the same miracle, and yet have not received the same answer. My thoughts and prayers are constantly with those who are in the middle of this battle. And it is also sobering to me that God did, in fact, answer my prayers — and to whom much is given, much is required. I pray I steward those 3 little lives well. My heart is consistently grateful that I gave birth to 3 children and I am regularly in awe, even when the nights are long and the cups of coffee are many!” Read the full article here.
3. Erica Campbell – “What do we need to do to be able to raise children that fear and love the Lord? It has to start on your knees. It has to start with the Word of God.”
4. Laura Story – “I’m learning just to submit and honor His role as God in my life.”
“I play a good many roles in my life. Worship leader, songwriter, artist, mom, wife of a disabled husband. And often I find myself trying to play the extra role of God. I find myself trying to take on tasks I was never meant to do. Not necessarily trying to part of the sea of Atlanta traffic, but I find myself trying to manipulate situations that are out of my control. That’s not just blasphemous; it’s futile. I would be a terrible God. I’m barely a decent me. I hate to appear that I’m needy, but I am a needy person because God created me that way. I’m learning just to submit and honor His role as God in my life.” Read the rest of the interview here.
5. Christy Nockels – “That is my prayer for my life, that I would walk in the Spirit of God and that I would admit that “I can’t mother today, but the Holy Spirit can mother through me.”