NASHVILLE, TN…. (March 4, 2021) – Since its launch last May, New York Times best-selling author and podcaster Annie F. Downs’ That Sounds Fun Podcast Network is continuing its significant growth. Currently home to seven shows, including her own “That Sounds Fun” podcast, which has over 44 million downloads, Downs’ Network is living up to its promise to be an amusement park of podcasts with an aim to entertain, impact, help, and bless you and the people you love. To find out more on the network overall, you can visit their new website here.
Recently launched on February 18, We’re Going There with Bianca Olthoff invites guests to discuss relevant topics affecting all aspects of our lives. From relationships to race relations, faith to fashion, the conversations will leave you with practical tips, fun ways to talk about tough topics, and stories with amazing people to impact your life. No topic is off the table and faith will always be at the forefront of the conversation. For more information, follow along on social media @biancaolthoff or visit www.BiancaOlthoff.com.
Today, March 4 sees the debut of Human Hope with Carlos Whittaker. In a time where humanity is desperate to find hope, Carlos leads us in conversations that bring us just that. From fun discussions about everyday joy to polarizing and challenging topics, Carlos shows even the most calloused heart that there is still hope in humanity. For more on Carlos and his books visit CarlosWhittaker.com.
With over 400,000 downloads each week of her “That Sounds Fun” podcast, the new network of course includes Downs’ own podcast, as well as “Annie and Eddie Keep Talking.” With an active, engaged, and extremely loyal audience, Downs’ network of influence includes top-tier leaders in film, music, sports, ministry, and publishing, with support from such well-known names as Tim Tebow, Danielle Walker and Samantha Ponder.
To interview one of the hosts from the That Sounds Fun Network, or if you want to be on one of the That Sounds Fun Network shows, please email guests@thatsoundsfunnetwork.com.