Singer/Songwriter Austin French Pays Tribute to Victims of Santa Fe School Shooting with Unreleased Song, “Why God”

Nashville, Tenn. (May 21, 2018) – After the tragic school shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas last Friday, Georgia reared singer/songwriter Austin French took to Facebook to pay tribute to the victims, sharing an unreleased song from his upcoming album called “Why God.” The timely single was already scheduled to release this Friday.
“I wrote this song on my record based on the ‘why God?’ moments we experience as humans. In light of another horrific school shooting I find another moment to ask the question, ‘why God?'” shared French on Facebook. “I don’t understand why these things happen. But what I do understand is this is exactly why the students and families affected by this tragedy need a God of comfort, healing, and hope. God is not scared of our questions. He wants them, He welcomes them, and He loves you. My heart and prayers are with you Santa Fe High School.”