Thank you to our GMA Platinum Member Erin Moorman and Syntax Creative for sharing about their company.
How did you get your start in the music industry?
Growing up, I learned to process emotions through songwriting. I started writing as early as 8 years old, and through that, I developed a passion for music. By high school, I was playing guitar, performing, leading worship, running events — anything I could do to be around music. In 2018, I went to college to study music business at Delta State University’s Delta Music Institute, in Cleveland, Mississippi. In a small town like Cleveland, there aren’t many opportunities to get hands-on experience in the music industry, so I created my own. In 2019, I launched my own label, Cotton Row Record Company, and released my first album. In 2021, I furthered my education in the music industry by attending Visible Music College in Memphis, TN, to obtain a Master of Arts Leadership in Music Business. While at Visible, I worked for the school’s record label, Madison Line Records, further developing their Constant Attention system for artist development. In 2022, I was welcomed on staff at Syntax Creative as their Marketing Coordinator.
Tell us about your organization, its mission and vision.
We represent the exclusive worldwide rights to over 150 independent record labels. We market and distribute music to al the major Digital Music Providers. Our tagline is simple and accurate: "We do good work for money." Like Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord." We love helping artists and labels get organized and stay on top of the current state of the industry. We love educating digital service providers on the excellent music you can find in the independent space. We succeed when our clients succeed. We don't win unless our clients win, and our deals are structured in this exact way.What are the most notable features offered by your organization? Who would best benefit from these features?
We offer everything that our competitors offer such as access to the digital marketplace. In traditional distribution deals, the distributor will get the product on the shelf, but it's up to the label to do everything else. Where we differ is that we also help labels get their products off the shelf. Additionally, we perform many of the functions that a well-resourced label would do. However, we've found that music of the music in the independent space comes for artists or labels that are not well-resourced. So we fill in the gaps and amplify the music and the message that our artists so carefully create.How can people find out more about your organization?
One of the best ways to find out about any company or product is by word of mouth. If you're not in close communication with someone who has experience working with us, you can also try attending an event where someone from our team is speaking. Finally and most affordably, you can always go to our website, https://syntaxcreative.com/, where there is more information about us, the clients that we represent, the digital service providers that we work with, and how to work with us.