by Jason Roy
Every person has a part to play in building the kingdom of God. As in everything in life, there are two different directions that a person can move: forward or backwards. At least, I’ve been taught that there really isn’t much of an in-between. So it stands to reason, if there’s only forward motion and backward motion, then there may be only two ways to look at the kingdom of God: you’re either building the kingdom or destroying it. I know it seems hard to imagine that there’s no in between, but God definitely has an opinion about lukewarm people. (Revelation 3:16)
With that now on the table, I have to admit I find myself wondering at times which one I’m doing. I’m far from perfect, and I have made a life out of being the guy who tells people about Jesus; but the fear I carry is always wrapped around this thought: “What do they see when I’m not the guy on stage?” It’s very easy to be a kingdom builder when everyone is looking and applauding every time you speak, but what about when there’s no applause, no agreement, and nothing but opposition?
The truth is there are tons of ways to build the kingdom of God without ever stepping foot onto a stage or gaining applause for doing it. The one thing that may separate those who are building the kingdom from those who are destroying it may be the foundation upon which they stand. Follow me here. Without the foundation of a relationship with the living God, you have no way of knowing where you are leading people and whose kingdom you are building. Because in all of our hearts is a desperate need to be followed by someone, to be loved, to be admired, to be cool, to be the leader. If we aren’t led by the ONE GOD of Abraham and Isaac, the God of Moses and David, then we could easily be a part of destroying the kingdom of God, because God plus or minus anything, is a false God. If we want to build the kingdom of God, we have to know the kingdom of God, and we have to study the Word of God. We have to know His character, and we have to follow Him first.
A person who knows God is a person who displays amazing characteristics in the words of Jesus who blessed them in the book of Matthew:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matt. 5:3-12)
Does that look like you?
Does that look like me?
These simple thoughts are the ones that should rattle around in our hearts and heads every day. You see, I’ve seen these characteristics lived out in many amazing ways throughout my lifetime from some unbelievable people. I could name a who’s who list of CCM artists that display these characteristics on stage and off. When anyone is displaying all of the characteristics above, you are moved by them. People’s hearts are changed by a simple conversation with them. Often times, people find themselves changed by a simple act from a person like this who never even spoke a word. There is power in a life lived out in the reflection of Christ, and the world knows it.
One more thing… A person who is building the kingdom of God has seen the works of the Lord, and because of that knowledge, they walk with boldness and assurance that is profound. They can diffuse situations in a way that doesn’t even make sense. They walk into the fire when everyone knows they should run, and they take the heat with a grace that can’t be explained. Ultimately though, their lives seem to be wrapped around a Scripture that has become a personal anthem for me in the last few years:
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. (Romans 1:16)
Recently we finished our new record and titled it UNASHAMED with that idea in mind. God, let us be your kingdom builders. God, use us. These are the lyrics that we penned with the kingdom of God in mind:
I’ve been down I’ve been broken
But I believe what you’ve spoken
That You make all things new
I have witnessed your mercy
Stood in awe of your glory
And none compare to you
Can’t help but speak of the things you’ve done
Let my life proclaim
I am unashamed
I won’t hide your name
So all the world will know, that you
You’re all I live for Jesus
I am unashamed
Where You’re hands reaching
Is where you’ll always find me
Cause your love makes me move
To speak the words You’re speaking
To be the hope the world is needing
In everything I do
Here in the light of what you’ve done
Let my life proclaim
I am unashamed
I won’t hide your name
So all the world will know, that you
You’re all I live for Jesus
I am unashamed
Let the water’s rise
Let the mountains shake
We lift our anthem high
I am unashamed
I will shout your name
So all the world will know, that you
You’re all I live for Jesus
I am unashamed
My prayer for you is to go speak the words God is speaking. Be the hope the world needs in everything you do. And when you get the opportunity to share the gospel, DO IT…and use words when necessary.
Jason Roy is the frontman for pop/rock award-winning band Building 429. The group recently achieved one million sales in career singles. Moreover, the band’s brand-new radio single, “Impossible,” just broke a radio record with an astounding 95 stations adding the single immediately. The track is the first cut from Building 429’s upcoming studio album slated to release Sept. 25.