(Pictured: The members of Planetshakers)
A Look At The Global Church
By Bj Pridham
The Bible calls us “The Bride of Christ.” We are His chosen ones. He has us on His heart. We are “The Church.”
On our shoulders are the divine responsibilities of the Kingdom. We exist to usher in heaven’s agenda (Matt. 6:10). What is the will of God? Jesus showed us. He lived a life that released salvation, kindness, grace, restoration and healing… He commissioned us to make disciples and heal our hurting world. He demonstrated the power of God the Church has been called to facilitate: cities transformed by His presence, carried by His people.
The Bible says it like this in Acts 1:8:
“But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth.”
I’m writing to you today all the way from Australia, talking to you about the Church, specifically in my great nation of Australia. It’s an honor to be with you today! Get yourself a cup of coffee, and let’s talk about what the Lord is up to in His beloved Church.
Culture, History and Current Climate
Here in Australia, the Church has had global attention since the very beginning. As I delved into history, research shows something like 71-recorded revivals in the 19th century alone! Many international men and women of God have graced our shores to share what God has been doing all around the world. British evangelist Smith Wigglesworth was one of the legends to visit us in the 1920s. He declared our nation “The Great South Land of the Holy Spirit.” Wow!
I came across a newspaper advertisement for meetings that Smith was holding in the city of Melbourne in 1922. Please note the audacity of the advertisement’s closing statement:
Published in Melbourne ‘Age’ February 18, 1922
Smith Wigglesworth Revival Campaign
Will be held at the “Olympia” Daily.
From Sunday, February 19, till Sunday,
5th March, inclusive,
Excepting Mondays and Saturdays.
Sundays .. .. .. .. .. 2.45 and 7 p.m.;
Week Days, .. .. .. .. .. 7.45 p.m.
_ _ _
Bring your sick. Brother Wigglesworth will pray for them, and Jesus will heal them.
I love that boldness! He understood that the Church could be a voice to a city. Bring your sick, Jesus will heal them!
As I continue to think about who has been a tremendous blessing, the nation of the United States comes to mind. That’s you! In 1959, one of Christianity’s generals arrived here to lead what would be known as one of the most powerful evangelistic crusades in our country. That man was none other than Billy Graham. Over 130,000 salvation decisions were made during his crusade, which is almost two percent of Australia’s population at the time. That’s just one of many great testimonies. Your ministers continue to grace our shores year after year, blessing us with the rich inheritance that lies at your country’s foundation. For us personally, here at Planetshakers (this year alone) we’ve heard from Bishop T.D. Jakes, Chris Hill, Jeremy Johnson, Glen Berteau and John Bevere, just to name a few, who have imparted divine seeds of greatness. They have inspired us to continue in our pursuit of cities and nations for the glory of Jesus. Thank you, America, for releasing your generals to bless ours.
As for what’s happening right now in the Aussie Church? Of late, there has been contention for Christianity in our nation, as I know there is in yours. Even so, revival is still happening. Just last week our youth ministry on an ordinary Friday night experienced over 250 salvations recorded and an attendance of 1,200 people. God is on the move! We have even experienced great miracles, signs and wonders in our Sunday services—deaf ears opening and transformation coming to broken lives. I know we are not alone in that across the nation, and I know that it’s happening in greater measures in yours. We praise You, God, in advance for more of this across the world!
Humanity has never needed “The Church” as much as they do right now. The whole earth groans for answers. And answers we have! Are we ready to be the astonishingly beautiful, relentlessly powerful Church that the Bible says, “The Gates of Hell shall not prevail”?
I believe a day is coming for you and I, (U.S.A., Australia, and prophetically speaking, the world) where we read headlines, just as it was written in that prominent Australian newspaper in 1922:
“Bring your sick, and Jesus will heal them!”
Bj Pridham is Worship Pastor at Planetshakers City Church, husband to Marla and father to Archiblad Alexander and Levi Charles. He is also a member of Planetshakers Band.
About Planetshakers:
Originally formed in 1997 to lead worship for the first Planetshakers Awakening (conference) held in Australia, Planetshakers Band is passionate about uniting generations worldwide through worship. As Australia’s largest youth/young adult Christian movement, Planetshakers’ goal is to see people encounter God, be transformed by His presence and empowered to make a difference in their world. While they tour internationally, the team remains based out of Planetshakers Church, a multi-campus, 12,000-plus member congregation based in Melbourne, Australia that is pastored by husband and wife, Russell and Sam Evans.