Debut Single, “Jesus Only You,”
Available Today
SEATTLE, WA. (MAY 18, 2018) BEC Worship welcomes worship leader London Gatch to the family with her debut single, “Jesus Only You,” releasing everywhere today. Click here to get the single at all formats. Her single will be followed by a solo debut album later in 2018.
“‘Jesus Only You’ was the very first song written in this new chapter of my family’s life,” shares London Gatch. “Our family has experienced a lot of transition and some difficult changes in the last year, but God has been so close to us every step of the way. His faithfulness has been undeniable. This song is a declaration of praise to the only King worthy of our worship and adoration. Jesus has brought us so much healing through these words, and our prayer is that people will experience that same healing power as they worship.”
A worship leader from Charleston, South Carolina, London has been surrounded by a family of musicians in ministry and began leading worship at a young age. After her marriage to husband Lance in 2007, she began to pursue ministry full-time and accepted a position at Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. The couple served the church as members of Elevation Worship until their resignation in early 2017.
“God has taken me on quite a journey over the last decade of leading worship, and one of the many challenges I’ve faced is being a female worship leader,” London explains. “I feel very strongly that God has given me a voice to empower women around the world to dig deeper in their relationship with Him AND to find their strength and confidence in Him alone. The perfect love of Jesus drives out our fear and insecurity. We don’t need the approval of man. all we need is the love of Jesus.”
Now she has welcomed a new phase of life: she entered into motherhood (her daughter was born in June 2017) and moved back home to Charleston (now serving at Seacoast Church). With her new music family at BEC Worship, she feels more energized than ever to continue writing songs for the church.
“Becoming a mother has given me a whole new perspective on my relationship with God,” she shares. “The love I have for my daughter is immeasurable, so knowing how much more our Heavenly Father loves us is just so overwhelming in the best way. Motherhood has really magnified the fruits of the Holy Spirit in my life, and I’ve been so excited to express all that He’s teaching me through songwriting.”