NEWS: Delilah Appoints Aaron Crisler to Board of Directors For Charity, Point Hope

Port Orchard, WA (October 24, 2016) – Delilah, the most-listened-to-woman on radio, has appointed publicist and media executive, Aaron Crisler, to the Board of Directors for Point Hope, the charity she founded in 2003. Delilah, heard on more than 150 radio stations, is known as the “Oprah of radio.” Crisler owns Conduit Media Solutions in Nashville, TN, specializing in public relations, digital strategy, and marketing.
Upon the announcement, Delilah stated: “I’ve known Aaron Crisler for many years, witnessing his dedication and talent. In seeking to build a strong Board of Directors for Point Hope, my thoughts immediately went to that of Aaron, his energy and creativity! Point Hope is a small but passionate organization, endeavoring to be a “voice for forgotten children.” With his strong voice in the music and entertainment industry, I am eager to harness Aaron’s talent to help spread the world of the good work Point Hope does for foster children here in the US and for impoverished children around the world.”
Jan Haynes, Point Hope Executive Director, echoed Delilah’s comments adding: “Point Hope is excited to welcome Aaron Crisler to our Board of Directors. I have personally worked with Aaron for a number of years and am pleased someone of his caliber and experience has agreed to come alongside Point Hope to help us be a voice for forgotten children. I look forward to the continued journey.”
“I am absolutely thrilled to join the Point Hope Board of Directors and I’m excited to join the team seeking to help those who cannot help themselves,” commented Crisler. “I’ve known Delilah and Jan Haynes for many years and have witnessed the many lives they have changed. Truly, the hand of God is being extended through the work of Point Hope and I am humbled to join the team.”
For more information about the work and focus of Point Hope, go to
Crisler’s clientele has included Jason Crabb, the Scott Brothers (Stars of HGTV’s Property Brothers,) Neal McCoy, Loretta Lynn, Don Moen, Water Tower Records, Paula White, Joseph Habedank, Lincoln Memorial Easter Sunrise Service, The Bridge Ministry, Fox News Journalist Kelly Wright, Inspire Nashville / Possibilities, Inc. / Onsite, among others.
Crisler is active with homeless ministry, The Bridge, and on the board of Jason Crabb Ministries.
One December night in 2003, while Delilah was hosting her nightly radio program, she received an email written by a single woman in West Africa, Winifred Ticley. Winifred wrote to Delilah from an internet cafe located outside a refugee camp run by the UNHCR in Ghana. Delilah read the appeal, Winifred was asking for help caring for her three starving children. They lived in a mud hut in a camp called Buduburam where over 80,000 refugees from Liberia and Ivory Coast lived in complete destitution .
Delilah felt God telling her she had to check out this story. She reached out to the people at World Vision and learned the truth of Budubram. The United Nations had sponsored a refugee camp, primarily filled with Liberians, since the first civil war broke out in Liberia in 1990. Over the years the population swelled to over 80,000, in a camp that was equipped for 4,000. Instead of three little children who were starving and needing help, there were more than 30,000 children living without hope.
Delilah also discovered there was no fresh, potable water. Instead, residents had to walk over 3 miles along a busy highway to fetch water at a local lake, or children would climb down the side of the road into a sewage ditch, make a small pile of rocks, pebbles, and sand and use it to filter the filthy sewage. They would then scoop out the filtered water, pour it into a bucket and hand it to the adults waiting to collect it. For those who were able to afford the expense, water trucks would deliver dirty water dredged from the lake for a price. Water-borne diseases were rampant and children in the camp were dying daily.
After her first trip to Africa, Delilah decided to reinvest her energies into a small project she had birthed years before to feed and care for the homeless population in Philadelphia. Point Hope was reborn and assisted in establishing PointHope Ghana, its sister Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) needed for work in West Africa.
Today, Point Hope has grown from a handful of friends gathered around Delilah’s kitchen table making hundreds of tuna fish sandwiches for homeless and hungry families living on the streets of Philadelphia , to a non-profit organization that helps thousands of children and vulnerable adults living in West Africa. Point Hope also endeavors to be a voice for the over 480,000 children who are trapped in the foster care system in America, waiting to be reunited with biological family members, or adopted into a “forever family.”
Media Contact:
Chloe Buss
Conduit Media