NASHVILLE, Tenn. (November 17, 2021) – One of the top groups in Gospel music, The Booth Brothers, currently consisting of Michael Booth, Paul Lancaster, and Buddy Mullins, has big announcements for 2022. Following the death of Paul Lancaster’s wife, Michelle, and brother this year, Lancaster has announced his departure from the group. Jim Brady of Jim & Melissa Brady is expected to rejoin The Booth Brothers beginning January 7, 2022. Jim Brady toured with The Booth Brothers previously for over 12 years.
The Booth Brothers will have a limited touring schedule in 2022, with Jim & Melissa Brady, Michael Booth, and Buddy Mullins pursuing their individual ministries, as well.
Paul Lancaster commented saying,
“It’s with a heavy heart that I make this announcement, but I need to come off the road with The Booth Brothers. Make no mistake, there is no job in Gospel music that I have enjoyed more than singing with The Booth Brothers. Truth be told, the events of this year have taken a huge toll on my mental, spiritual, and physical well-being and made it difficult to give The Booth Brothers and our audiences my best. For that reason, I am going home to try to heal and get well. I know one day I will be back out there singing again, because I love all of you, I love what I do, and I love the One I do it for. I just want God’s will to be done, however long it takes. To Michael, Ronnie, and Buddy, I am extremely grateful to have been able to stand on stage with you and for the unconditional friendship and support that you have shown me. I can’t thank everyone out there enough for the way you all have lifted me and my family up in prayer for the last 4 years, and especially this year, and I ask that you continue to do so. Join me in asking God to continue to bless The Booth Brothers ministry as Michael, Buddy, and Jim move forward.”
Michael Booth shared,
“Paul Lancaster has endured some of the greatest challenges that this life on earth can present. To navigate painful challenges is one thing, but to heal from them is a completely different undertaking. Paul is making a courageous move by stepping away from The Booth Brothers to prioritize the health of his mind, body, and spirit. With great anticipation, I am looking forward to witnessing God’s healing touch on Paul. His hope is in the Lord. When God’s work is complete, we will witness a beautiful new season for Paul and his family. He will always have the support of every member of The Booth Brothers team, past and present.
I could not be more grateful that the talented and beloved Jim Brady will be singing with Buddy and myself. Special thank you to The Harper Agency for efficiently balancing the schedules for The Booth Brothers, Jim & Melissa Brady, and my solo dates.”
Jim Brady added, “Eight years ago, I left the Booth Brothers to sing with my wife, Melissa, and we are having the time of our lives! God has opened doors we never dreamed possible, and we are truly enjoying this time together. Michael and I have spoken often about me touring with The Booth Brothers while continuing the Jim and Melissa Brady ministry, but scheduling conflicts made that impossible. With The Booth Brothers planning a limited touring schedule for 2022, and through the efforts of our mutual booking agency, the Harper Agency, it’s now possible for me to enjoy both. Michael is like a brother to me, and when we’re on stage together, it’s like we were never apart. So, while I continue to travel and sing with Melissa, this opportunity just feels natural, and I really look forward to being with The Booth Brothers again.”
The new lineup promises to build on the vision for ministry and unique harmonic sound that sets The Booth Brothers apart in Gospel music.