A Missional Technology Hackathon
2 December 2016 – Rocklin, CA – From a solution that optimizes the Raspberry Pi mini computer to share Bible content and media via wireless network, to a sentiment analysis app that moves music listeners towards a positive message, this year’s top solutions from Indigitous #Hack span a wide range of missional technology solutions.
Indigitous #Hack, a global mass collaboration focused on developing missional technology, was held online on November 4-6, 2016 in more than 28 cities and 15 nations around the world and inspired unprecedented participation at all levels. 1,426 technologists, developers, designers and mission workers came together for the first ever Indigitous #Hack event. The hackathon succeeded in convening passionate change makers, hackers and mission workers to build technology that matters.
Thirty-two organizations, including KLOVE/Air1 Radio, Cru, Jesus Film, Wycliffe, World Vision, InterVarsity, and Quite Uncommon, supported the event by contributing funding, challenges, data and hosting events. Dozens of local sponsors lent a hand to support the event in local communities, providing resources, venues and technical expertise.
Participants were asked to develop promotional campaigns, graphical work, mobile applications, software, hardware, data visualization and platform solutions that could contribute to missions.
This year’s winners are:
Moodify, led by Eric Lee at the #Hack Austin event, was the recipient of the Best Technology Award. Moodify is a tool for creating a playlist that allows listeners to progress toward a more positive mood. Team members included Joshua Pham, Omar Olivarez and Ashley Chen. Learn more about Moodify at https://indigitous.org/projects/upliftify/
BibleBoxPi, led by Atalie Synder at the #Hack Boise event, was the recipient of the Biggest Impact Award. BibleBoxPi is a project that removes the need for server side scripting on the BibleboxPi platform so that the solution can serve more users. Learn more about Boise BibleBoxPi at https://indigitous.org/projects/boise-bible-box-pi/
In addition to the Best Technology Award and Biggest Impact Award, three solutions were given honorable mentions in the categories of Most Creative, Best Demo and Most Innovative, including:
CandidatoPerfeito, led by Melissa Cunha at the #Hack Rio event, received an honorable mention for Most Creative. CandidatoPerfeito is a planned media campaign to present Jesus – and his attributes – to the university students of the State of Rio de Janeiro as the perfect candidate to govern their lives. Team members included Emily de Lima, Aline Oliveira, and Stella Farias. Learn more about CandidatoPerfeito at https://indigitous.org/projects/candidatoperfeito/
Music Finder Moldova, led by Andrei Zgirvaci at the #Hack Chisinau event, received an honorable mention for Best Demo. Music Finder Moldova is a project focusing on changing your feelings through music. Team members included David Breahna, Gabriela Ciobanu, Breahna Nina and Vadim Savin. Learn more about Music Finder Moldova at https://indigitous.org/projects/music-finder-moldvoa/
A Survivor Story, led by Greg McCoy at the #Hack Waterloo event, received an honorable mention for Most Innovative. A Survivor Story is an SEO focused website that proves valuable resources to people struggling with suicidal thoughts. Learn more about A Survivor Story at https://indigitous.org/projects/a-survivor-story/
Best in Class recognition goes to the following solutions for their respective challenges:
VR Life of Jesus, led by Klaas Kooistra at the #Hack Netherlands event, received a Best In Class mention for the Gospel Storytelling challenge. VR Life of Jesus is a virtual reality timeline and history of the life of Jesus reworked from the movie “Gospel of John”. Team members included Rachel Hudson, Trent Schaller, M. Dol and May Workman. Learn more about VR Life of Jesus at https://indigitous.org/projects/vr-life-of-jesus/
Child at Risk, led by Vicky Leong at the #Hack Orlando event, received a Best In Class mention for the Child at Risk challenge. This team contributed significant interface improvements to the larger platform, including shifting the child information into two columns. Team members included Bob Bufford, Caleb Cox, David Sudarma, Kelly Murray and Cheryl Albert. Learn more about Child at Risk at https://indigitous.org/projects/child-at-risk/
About Indigitous #Hack: Indigitious #Hack is the world’s largest mass collaboration focused on missional technology passionate about connecting people to Jesus using digital strategies. The movement is supported by KLOVE/Air1 Radio, Cru, Jesus Film, Wycliffe, World Vision, InterVarsity, Quite Uncommon. For more information about Indigitous #Hack or to sign up to host an event in your city in 2017, visit https://indigitous.org/hack/.
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Merge PR