Free App Uniquely Intersects Creative Arts And The Church To Inspire Devotional Time With Music, Video, Poetry And Scripture Content;
Live PRESENCE Stream To Be Held Tomorrow, March 31, 7pm CT Via StageIt
30 March 2016 – Franklin, Tenn – UK-based producer, artist, and composer DJ Andy Hunter° announces the release of the free app, Presence. Developed by Hunter° to uniquely find ways to spend quality time with God, Presence was also created to purposefully intersect and enhance the creative arts in the church and during devotional time. Presence will be available on April 22.
“The Presence app is a collection of chapters with the purpose of creating space in our lives,” explains Andy Hunter°. “I created this as a relaxing, mindful experience that leads us in reflection and prayer. The music, film and poetry created and inspired from the verses throughout the app weave a journey that gives us time out of our busy schedules, giving a sense of peace, so we can just be. There is no agenda, no lists – just us and God.”
Presence will begin with ten chapters. Each chapter, composed to music and accompanied by poetry and a video, focuses on a specific scripture reference, all which are personal to Hunter°.
“The specific scripture references are verses that have meant a lot to me during my walk with Jesus,” he shares. “These are verses that have inspired, encouraged, challenged and have given me peace at certain times. When I am inspired by a specific piece of scripture, I like to interpret it and create atmosphere through the music I produce. I then work with different artists, film directors, poets who then interpret the verse in their art form.”
When the free app is officially live April 22, users will immediately receive all ten chapters. For every month following, another chapter will become available with new scripture references, music, videos and poetry. Those who download the app at a later time will receive the first ten chapters along with the new chapters released up to that date.
Along with developing new chapters in the coming months, Andy Hunter° also plans to release the music from the app in a new album, which will already be available to everyone who downloaded Presence. The album, appropriately titled Presence, will release later this year. The album cover is pictured above.
Additionally, Hunter° will offer PRESENCE STREAM, a 20-minute live stream directly from his U.K. studio where people from all over the world can see him perform new, as well as previous, chapters of Presence. His next PRESENCE STREAM will be held tomorrow, March 31 at 7pm CT/8pm ET. Available via Stageit, you can sign up and find out more by clicking on the image below or by visiting StageIt.com/Presence.
To sign up for the app, please visit: PresenceProject.com and on the social links below.
For information about Andy Hunter° please visit AndyHunter.com.
Samples from Presence Chapter 2, Be Still:
Media Contact:
Stacie Vining
Merge PR