Darren Mulligan of We Are Messengers celebrates "Maybe It's Okay" being RIAA Certified GOLD along with members of Curb | Word Entertainment and Proper Management.
Pictured from L to R: Curb | Word's Chris Collins; Curb | Word's Giovanna Randolph; Curb | Word's Trevor Mathiesen; Curb | Word's Samantha Shelby; Curb | Word's Bryan Stewart; Curb | Word's Jen Allen; Proper Management's Kelcey Wixtrom; Proper Management's Eryn West; Heidi Mulligan; Curb | Word's Jeri Cooper; Darren Mulligan; Curb | Word's Joseph Prielozny; Proper Management's Mike Jay; Proper Management's Katie Mohre; Curb | Word's Blair McDermott; Curb | Word's Jeff Tuerff; Curb | Word's John Clore; Curb Word's Doris Bratcher; Curb Word's Brian Thiele; Curb | Word's Jonathan Mason