Full Name:
Jonathan Allen Guerra
Chicago, IL
Best friend turned girlfriend turned wife
September 19, 1985
Musical Influcences:
Bob Dylan, Jeff Buckley, Nick Drake, Rich Mullins, Keith Green, Sigur Ros, Radiohead, Rufus Wainwright
Last Song You Listened To:
“Full Circle” by Half Moon Run
Most-Read Author:
Marilynn Robinson
Favorite Bible Verse:
Ecclesiastes 3:15: “That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away.”
By Lindsay Williams
What’s the worst jingle line you’ve ever written?
I did a jingle for a local Chicago dentist. I had to use the phrase “smart smile.”
What’s the lamest brand/company you’ve ever written a jingle for?
The local Chicago dentist. I mean, a dentist wants a jingle? To what end? I fundamentally disagree with the premise.
What originally made you want to write and record music?
I’m an only child, and in middle school my family moved across the U.S. It was the beginning of the summer, so I spent a lot of time in my room listening to CDs. It was very personal. I identified so closely with the music I was listening to, and that lent itself to writing songs. It didn’t seem like much of a choice. I was drawn. Recording was the next logical step, though that didn’t happen until much later. Both have been incredible gifts to me.
What worship song are you currently enjoying leading?
“Lamb of God” by Vertical Church Band. Beautiful song.
Why did you name your major label debut Little Songs?
It’s named after the first song on the album called “Every Little Song.” The lyric sums it up:
“Until I see Your face/ In heaven’s great, great view/ These little songs are what I have for You.”
There’s a space every person can occupy where they are most aligned with the space in the universe they are meant to occupy—a sweet spot. It’s hard to know with certainty where that spot is, but one can, from time to time, get a sense. My sense is that writing songs out of my experience in the world [and] bearing witness to God’s loving kindness is that spot for me. Little Songs is a collection of songs that my 27/28 year-old self thought would be best on a first record.
Who is one Christian artist you admire that you hope to emulate?
I admire Rich Mullins and Keith Green quite a bit. Rich for his linguistic dexterity and unique vision. Keith for his childlike heart. If I can channel my version of those qualities, I’ll be happy.
What’s your favorite thing about being a part of Vertical Church Band?
The camaraderie. I like being on a team and feel privileged to be on that one.
Jon Guerra is a member of Vertical Church Band, and he recently released his solo debut, Little Songs, via Provident Label Group. To learn more, visit www.jonguerramusic.com.