Dove Award-winning Christian singer and mother of three, Natalie Grant shares the must-try strategies that help her stay upbeat and energized even on hectic days in a new interview featured with “First for Women” Magazine.
Natalie is only the 2nd Christian Artist ever to be featured on the cover of this magazine. Amy Grant was the first.
Natalie posted about what made her decide to move forward with the cover in a very personal Facebook Post.
“Excited to be on the cover of First for Women magazine, which just hit news stands. Super honored to be only the 2nd Christian artist they have ever featured on the cover. The first was Amy Grant. They must like our last name. 😉
With a larger circulation than People magazine, when they first asked me I said “YES!” But then I learned it would be a summer issue and I was asked to be in a bathing suit. My first reaction was “NO! No no no no no no!” But then honestly, I prayed about it. Having spent the last year making radical changes in my diet and my overall perspective, I thought maybe this was an opportunity I should not pass up. So then I had a list of parameters, which I thought they might not agree to.
1. One piece only
2. Must be completely modest.
3. Can’t be a crazy amount of photoshop used to make me look way younger or thinner than I am. Gotta be the real me.
They agreed! After I prayed about it, I had a total peace from God to do it. I have been on an amazing journey to health and wholeness in the past year, inside and out. Yes I’ve lost 40 lbs. but it’s not about being skinny, it’s about being healthy. I’ve had to debunk the lie in my own life that taking care of myself is “selfish”. Self care is not selfish but smart. And Godly. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. I want to care for my inner and outer self. When I do, I am a better follower of Christ, better wife, better mom and all around better human being wink emoticon At 43 years of age I feel in the best shape of my life, physically AND spiritually.
I knew the article would not be an overtly Christian piece as this is a secular magazine. However, I knew they would talk about my faith and I also knew that many women who read this magazine may become interested to know more about who I am as a result of the article. And when you research me, you immediately know what I am about. I am a Jesus girl and I am not ashamed.
So – I know some of you may totally disagree with me being in a bathing suit. I know the majority will be supportive. But I also knew some would not understand. And that’s ok. I respect your opinion. All I ask is that you be kind and respectful in return. If you are a Jesus follower, we will disagree, but don’t end up sinning in how you go about criticizing me all in an effort to stand for what you deem as righteousness.
I wanted my 3 little girls to see their momma accepting who she is, making the most of every opportunity and doing it with modesty, yet rockin what you got for Jesus.
So as you check out at the grocery store ladies, look to the right or to the left, I just might be looking back at you.
PS – I got the photo approved by my husband AND my daddy.